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MALLARD LAKE - a five-acre specimen lake with a contoured bottom with deeper holes to nine feet and lily patches.  Natural margins are planted with reads, rushes & iris.  This lake is only for the most experienced anglers with the proper equipment.  It will offer the ultimate prize of Carp to 45lbs with only a few fish under 20lbs.  We have limited the number of anglers to ten at any one time.  Anglers can fish three rods so there should be plenty of space to put baits in different directions to maximise your chances.  Species - Carp & catfish.  Prior booking is essential; call the shop on: 01622 833 332.


BRIDGES LAKE - a sixteen-acre pleasure lake, designed so every angler has a feature to fish to in a natural planting of submerged and marginal water plants.  Reed and lily beds are just some of the features, along with the five bridges to the islands. This lake responds well to all techniques, including Carp, float and feeder angling.  There is plenty of scope for Carp fishing with a good head of Mirrors, Ghost and Common Carp, which will give the night fishing anglers much pleasure.   Bridges Lake and its adjacent lake Puma, are designed to put all our Anglers in a natural setting in a most picturesque part of Kent with the River Beult running just meters away.  There is so much space you can be well away from other anglers if you so wish.  Species - Carp, Barbel, Bream, Tench, Dace.


PUMA LAKE - a ten-acre pleasure lake with three islands.  The margins, some of which are quite shallow, are naturally planted with reeds, rushes & iris. There is a central gravel bar and deeper areas, also a number of lily beds. It is stocked with a full range of coarse fish, with Carp up to 30lbs.  The bottom of this lake is like a golf course with many underwater features, which will make use of your angling skills.   In the dry weather, you will be able to drive around the site and park close to where you fish.  And with water and power close by, these lakes will be convenient for all, particularly for our disabled anglers.  Species - Carp, Barbel, Bream, Tench, Dace.

The Match 


The Main Lakes


MATCH LAKE 1 - a two-and-a-half-acre, 44-peg match fishing lake, with bank platforms.  This match lake regularly gives big bags of mixed fish, from proper platforms, within easy walking distance from the car park.  The lake has a good mix of the different species.  Species - Carp, Barbel, Bream, Tench & Chub.


MATCH LAKE 2 - a four-acre lake, known as "the Barbel" lake. It has 46-pegs, large weights, fishing from bank platforms.  This lake also gives big bags of mixed fish from the comfort of proper platforms, within easy walking distance from the car park.   Species - Carp, Barbel, Tench, Chub, Bream and Roach.


MATCH LAKE 3 - a three-and-a-half-acre, 45-peg match-fishing lake, with bank platforms. This lake has a good mix of the different species, including some large surprises!  Species - Carp, Barbel, Green & Golden Tench, Chub, Bream and Roach.


MATCH LAKE 4 - a one-and-a-half-acre, 29-peg match-fishing lake, with bank platforms. Species - Carp, Barbel, Bream, Tench.



This is the place if you want to get away from it all.  It is a completely natural clay catchment river and has unusual plants and creatures, particularly dragonflies.   Fishing on this section of the river will be difficult, and therefore challenging.   The two pools which we constructed, are particularly good in times of heavy rain, where the fish will congregate to get away from the current. A swing or quiver tip often works best. Species - Carp, Roach, Bream & Pike.

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The River

© 2017. Est. 2003. Website created by E. Harrison,

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